Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My life is wierd.

Don't know if you can tell, but there was a lizard on the hood of my car-while I drove. It was just like the lizard (but smaller) of the Lizard Incident of '05. The one who got flushed. And the other day one ran up where I was walking at the garage door at home. And then today, I was driving out to Mary Caroline's little lunch thingy, and there was a FRIGGIN LIZARD ON MY CAR WHILE I DROVE. I didn't want it to fall off and die, so I was freaking out for several miles as the wind pulled him up by his tail and legs until he was riding safely by the windshield wipers. I assume he ran away when I parked because I didn't see him again. Lizards are out to get me.

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