Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Who would do this to a turtle?

That is a piece of metal stuck through his shell and twisted on both ends so it can't get out. Why would you do that? It could trap him somewhere and make him die!! How mean!


The Old Man and his Camera said...

I would think there used to be a tag attached to the wire. I'm sure this was done by one of the uga farmers. This is how they keep up with their livestock.

Megs said...

We don't count turtles as part of our "livestock". And why would it be in my neighborhood taking a stroll down the sidewalk?

The Old Man and his Camera said...

my thinking is the poor ole turtle has been held captive by a bunch of farmers and it was trying to escape....yeh, that's the logical answer

Megs said...

Well check out my blog for follow up on Pete's release. You will see why I am right, and you are wrong. lol =)